Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Inauguaral Speech Recognizes Quilters!

On this historic day, we stand proudly together as Americans, and as world citizens.
And especially as quilters...for we have been mentioned in the very historical Inaugaral Address of Barak Obama!
Yes, it was with tears in my eyes that I heard these words: "For we know that our patchwork heritage is a strength, not a weakness."
I was on my way to a friend's house to baste a quilt. And though we most likely voted differently in the election, indeed, it is our patchwork heitage that holds us together.
Love of fabric (as love of country) is more powerful than personal political views.
Log Cabin Quilt (76" square, silks and other dress fabrics, c.1880--90)
In honor of all presidents, not to mention my own patchwork heritage, here is a Log Cabin Quilt made by Rosann Todd Peters (b.1827 — d.1900) and Nettie Peters Kleesattel (b.1860—d. 1946). Only a few of the silk logs have "shattered", as is often the case with quilts of this vintage.
One of my projects for this year is to get all my family quilts photographed and labled properly.
OK, it's been one of my projects for a couple years now! But I'm getting closer...
If you'd like to read the entire Inauguaral Address you can see it here.
And remember to quilt proudly! Yes, you can!


meggie said...

That is a wonderful old Log Cabin quilt. Silk is beautiful, but it is fragile with age.

Sunnie said...

I do consider myself lucky to have such a beautiful family quilt.
I once saw a Log Cabin quilt in a house museum. It had logs that were not even half an inch wide! I will always remember somebody in the tour commenting, "Looks like someone had more time than sense!"

Pat said...

I remember hearing President Obama's reference to patchwork and was most pleased.

How many "family quilts" do you have in your possesion?

Sunnie said...

I have 5 quilts and 3 sets of blocks form my father's side of the family, and 9 quilts and 5 tops from my mother's side.
For awhile I am using them to do lectures, but at some point they will not be in condition to travel. It was my Mom's wish to share them with quilters, and we were not able to do that together while she was still alive....so I'm doing it for us now.
When I (finally) undertake my massive labeling project, you'll be hearing about it here! I want to make page-size labels for the quilts, using photos of the makers with their life stories. I will be doing computer printing for that.

Pat said...

Sunnie, you are indeed lucky to have all those quilts. And all those quilters in your family! That labelling project will sure be worth it when it is done.

Anonymous said...

Thank you for highlighting our President's mention of our patchwork heritage. I caught that reference, too, and loved it! You are absolutely right, it is our fabric that holds us together!
Tammy in Orange Park, FCQG