As so often happens, I am working away on a Mystery Quilt and won't be able to show it to you for a couple weeks yet.
Then I realized I have another one coming up in April!
I wish I could show them right away, because I really like each one.
The one I'm doing for the "Quilters In Paradise" retreat in Panama City (hosted by Quilting By The Bay) is in the final sewing for one set of demo blocks, and the finished top is ready to be basted & quilted.
The one for Space Coast Quilters (Titusville, FL) is designed and chompin' at the bit to go into writing & beta testing! (If you're in the area, go see their show Feb. 20 & 21!).
So there's a lot going on in the studio...but not much I can show you!
Except for this:
Many of us know how "helpful" a cat can be in the studio.
When my son was little, he said cats are actually very helpful...because they are sitting on whatever it is you are looking for! So insightful.
This little kitty has a secret. Just pull her tail...
Is that cute, or what? Thanks to my sister (who really knows how to choose a gift) and a place called Ten Thousand Villages, that sells wonderful items from all over the world. It's another fine organization that helps support people (mostly women) by selling their craftwork.
Who likes a gift card? I sure do! One I got was from Hancock's Fabrics (though not "of Paducah"). So I went online shopping and got about 5 yards of this happy -looking yellow. It will make a cheery backing for one of the zillion tops I need to quilt.
I guess they wanted to be sure you wouldn't forget what this is for!
And I did finally get that new ironing board cover! (already it does not look this clean!)
What a hoot, looking at the selections offered at the other local Big Box store. The colors were current (that spa blue & chocolate brown in stripes) but what really got me were the ratings.
You could choose from two different "strengths": one for monthly ironing and one for weekly!
Obviously not marketed with the quilter in mind!
It seems a bit wimpy (I cannot image what the "monthly" one would be like!), but it was easy to put on, and so far, so good.
What's new in your sewing room?
Well, I finally got off my, um, chair, and cut fabric for the outermost borders of the "African Dance" quilt. It's been sitting on my design wall for months while I did holiday things, made a couple of tote bags, etc. I'm tired of looking at it, frankly.
So I cut the borders, and got help from The Even More Mysterious Mr. E. to get the sewn top back up on the wall (stuff starts to get unwieldy when it's big), and we looked at it, and argued (in a friendly way) about what should happen in the corners, and finally agreed that the borders should be narrower than I had cut them, but that if I make them narrower, then I needn't do anything additional in the corners.
Next I will sew the border pieces to one another and then to the top, and I will SET THIS TOP ASIDE for a while.
It was going to be for my sister, and she has seen it and said she liked it, but there was no graceful way for her to say so if she didn't. So I've decided that before I make the back, I'll return to my Mile-An-Hour project, make that top, send her pictures, and ask her which one she likes best. That will determine which back I start working on first.
The Mysterious Ms. E.
I'm glad to hear there is action in your studio!
Some quilt tops need to "age" for awhile, like a fine bottle of wine.
I have many that are just about ready, and quite a few more that will not see the light of day for a looooong time!
*This* beta tester can't wait to see April's mystery!
Evidently the NWS did not track the tornado which recently blew through my house, scattering UFOs and fabric throughout.
The only thing new in my sewing room is more mess!! LOL. I was on a mission to find some photos, & mixed 2 drawers up, shuffling through. I have ideas for quilts sizzling away, but it is sooo damn hot!!
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