Her demo was The Super-Size 9-Patch, a really quick baby quilt devised by Anita G. Solomon (http://www.makeitsimpler.com/).
It's a 3 yards = 3 quilt tops idea...two folds, two cuts, then the fabrics are traded around in a different position in each quilt.
I dove into my collection of holiday fabrics and pulled out 6 yards I thought would work, giving me 1 yard to show the cutting for each group rotating through the various demos.
I have set up the fabrics to show just the center & top of the quilts-to-be.
Just scroll down quickly, as these may be too awful for viewing by sensitive eyes!
Here is the first set:
On to another set of 3 fabrics!
Please note that this is not reccommended for directional fabric.
However, when we used this quilt for the Kids Camp (yes, it is "easy enough for a child to do"!), the ones with directional fabric were just enjoyed sideways and nobody got upset.
Actually this looks better in real life....but not much!
I'm going to take these with me to the SSQA Retreat this weekend, sew the pieces into tops, and then quilt them.
What could possible be more appropriate than this backing, blue snowflakes on fleece!
That is not a blurry photo, that's just the way fleece looks.
It's soft, cuddly, and washes well.
And for quilts like these, it is perfect: it makes the batting and the back, all in one piece.
There will be a real binding, as it is the best finish for any wear & tear. I plan to give these away immediately...er...ah.....I mean in time to enjoy for the holidays!
I'll have WI-FI (or so they say) at the retreat this weekend, so look for some photos of these baby quilts in progress (I promise only a few!) as well as other projects. The best part of a retreat is seeing what others brought to work on.
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