It seems that Quilters Home has been bagged up to protect people from reading about "Controversial Patchwork"! Some stores even refused to sell this issue.
And yet, the issue on top has been removed from the bag! Oh, what terrible things would a person see?
Well, I just took this picture really fast and then closed up the magazine before someone was offended by the quilt on the left!
The one you have to look at really carefully, and for a looooong time.
Even then, you might miss the very tiny line drawings of penises printed on the fabric in one patch.
Nobody seems to mind the face of Jesus replacing rifle-totin' John Wayne, though....I guess that's just how some folks would like it!
You would think no one had ever seen an art quilt before....or that art quilts being about ideas was something brand new!
Now the world outside of quilting (yes...there IS one!) has noticed and is making a Big Deal about "quilts that aren't for beds!" Oh, my gracious! Can you imagine...!
Well, anything to distract us from more reports on the ecomomy is like gold for the general media!
And I am happy that Mark and quilting are getting some recognition, even if much of it contains the same old mistaken and patronizing views about quilters.
I guess it wouldn't be quite as "newsworthy" if they knew there are probably more quilters who have tatoos than blue-rinsed hair.
Truthfully, I bought this issue when it first came out, read and enjoyed it, then handed it on to Cherry-Cherry. As with most issues of QH, I was laughing too much to be scandalized.
If you have not read Quilters Home, give it a try. You'll love it or hate it, but you won't forget it!
However, it certainly will not hurt you.
Unless you end up laughing really, really hard!
I am a quilter. I have a tattoo. I like Quilter's Home Magazine. I don't have blue hair. I think I qualify for Quilters Anonymous or something. If I go to the meetings do they serve pie? I sure hope so.
I was amazed by the controversy this issue of Quilter's World raised. I wonder if the fabric is still available? Have they done away with it, too, as they've protected us from the mags. I hope this publicity works well for Mark and sells a lot of magazines for him. I think people will now open him mags to see what's in 'em!
I honestly do not think think this article was a publicity ploy on Mark's part. It was just another topic presented in Quilters Home's fun & crazy way.
The fabric in question is not a Large Company Product. At quilt shows you can find lots of small businesses printing the same a line drawing, with very little detail, of all kinds of things. I have purchased shopping carts and some animals. I think I even recall seeing the penis fabric and deciding it was not strange enough for my Weird Fabric Collection!
I bet if anybody had checked the magazine before buying, they could have easily missed the just does not stand out that much, though it is a good article.
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