Thursday, June 24, 2010

Around the NQA quilt show

Last seen from the top, this is the long escalator down to the quilt show:
Those who did not have to make the long trek through the building could come in right on the ground floor! But if you had a class upstairs, it was the same escalator ride in another location.
NQA members may register ahead of time, but everyone still has to go to check in:
I got my class info, show pin and a great bag with a water bottle holder on the outside, and special pockets for pens and business cards! Nice embroidery, too...

Going into the show, it's no secret who the big sponsors are:
There is no place like a large quilt show to be able to check out all the newest sewing machines. I have my eye on the new Janome 7700 Horizon. But it will require some major remodeling of my sewing area...using saws. That's a story for another day!
Inside the show is the NQA booth with lots of info about this great organization. They have a wonderful grants program, funded by the annual small quilts auction.
Around the side is a set up for demos, with the times posted so you can plan a sit-down. Some of these were quite crowded, but it's really a nice way to have a small class:
Really, I do try to be good and not show full pictures of other people's quilts without their permission. So if you see something here that you object to, let me know and I will take it down!
There are miniature quilts at almost every show. I look at them quickly, and run away before I get too crazy:
Much better are the rows of competition quilts and special exhibits, all well marked:
 There are NQA members as white glove ladies, but the clear plastic tape across the stanchions does a pretty good job of reminding people not to touch. This show's visitors seemed to have much better etiquette than the ones at the Mancuso show in West Palm Beach. I will have to do a little study...are attendees at volunteer organization shows better behaved than the ones at shows run as businesses?
The quilts were displayed well, too...I always think of that when I see the big-time-award-winning one I almost stepped on, while white gloving! the previously mentioned show. It was at this one, too. But safely displayed.
Cherry-Cherry says it has design issues, which she kindly pointed out to me, so I won't show it again . 
Quilted clothing seems to come and go in popularity. These entries are more "costumey" than some.
But I enjoy seeing them, whether or not I'd ever wear any!
Award ribbons are another way to make a show special. The NQA ribbons feature the black & yellow colors, although that did cause one viewer some distress. I guess she was accustomed to the blue ribbon system!
They all have a little golden bee pin (the NQA symbol) and each level from Honorable Mention (above) gets fancier as it goes all the way up to Best of Show:
You can see "Tribute to Tolkien" by Sue McCarty in many is winning loads of well-deserved awards. Here's a little detail shot:
Even though the words are in Elven runes, please do not read them aloud or we will all be in trouble! (only amusing to those who know "Lord of the Rings").
This quilt is entered in the category "Other", meaning it uses special techniques. Everything on here is done with thread. There is some painting in the three figures in the quilt's center (not shown) but all the rest is done with thread on a solid background.
Each show sets categories and awards as they see fit. NQA likes to divide between "bed" and "wall" for sizes, then techniques used (pieced, applique, mixed and other). Here are some other is hard to get good pictures even when the crowds are thin!
There is a full list of winners on the NQA website, and sometime soon there will be pictures.
Coming next: around the Convention Center...and the judging class!

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