it is:
Ms. DeLuna is a Major Addicted American Idol Fan, and her favorite this year was Adam Lambert.
I am a Very Regular Viewer, and my favorite was also Adam Lambert.
Cherry-Cherry doesn't give a hoot about any of that, but had never been to Rainbow's End. And she does like music.
So off we went, with a big Thank-You! to Deluna's family for refusing to use their tickets!

It is not a woodchuck, nor is it chucking far as I knowMany cars have mascots, and Deluna's is no exception. She didn't think I'd include the picture in my blog, but once I started with the doughnuts, there was no turning back.
Fortunately for you Dear Readers I am rather lax at photo-journaling an entire trip.
Fortunately for you Dear Readers I am rather lax at photo-journaling an entire trip.
You will have to just take my word about the restroom at a gas station where the TP rolls were actually chained to the wall. It had really heavy duty links.
We enjoyed shopping & lunch at the Suwanee Valley Quilt Shoppe in Trenton (details in the next post!) and arrived in Tampa (Ybor City, also known as "Cigar City") in time to freshen up before the show. They have a great street car system there, so we rode over to the Forum by rail.
They play hockey here, but I don't know much about that. This area was cordonned off after the show for the Meet & Greet. The American Idols all have some serious fans, but especially Adam, and, of course, Kris Allen, the guy who actually won.
Deluna and I are sort of theatre geeks, and loved these seats at stage left where we could see all the back-up musicians and roadies making things happen at the right time. The black curvy thing is a string of speakers, and right below that is a metal rigging where the spotlights are. Right before the show started, a couple guys climbed up rope ladders to sit on that rigging and work the personal spots by hand! Incredible!
There was a huge trap door in the front part of the stage where pianos and singers came and went as needed. It was fun to see that...the people in front would just see the effect of things appearing suddenly.
We may have been up near the "nose bleed" section, but the first row there is great...nothing gets in the way! Deluna brought some really wonderful binoculars, too, so we could get fabulous views of each person....
even though for some reason all the guys seemed to have Faux-hawk styles, and Megan Joy's hair had been done by placing her finger in a lightsocket.
When Deluna asked the person sitting next to her who was her favorite Idol, she said, "Adam!... is there anybody else?"
Here's Our Boy:
He did a fabulous set starting with "Whole Lotta Love", my favorite of his numbers "Mad World", and a David Bowie tribute medley.
We were sorry he didn't make it out to the Meet & Greet after the show, but he was not feeling well. You would not have known it from his performance (unless you have a great ear for music...this guy can handle anything).
That was fun! C-C had a great time, too.
Sorry if you don't like American Idol, etc etc.
Sorry if you don't like American Idol, etc etc.
I will be covering the quilt shops and a small quilt show (yes, a real suprise!) in the next two posts. Now for those I took lots of pictures!
I know what's really important!
1 comment:
This shop looks like you could spend a good part of the day just trying to see it all. Good thing they have lunch there - you don't even have to leave. Eat and get right back to shopping!
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