
Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Houston Hoo-Doo Redeux Tour

This jacket is going to Houston...because I'll be wearing it on the plane tomorrow, as Cherry-Cherry & I take off on the Houston Hoo-Doo Redeux Tour!
Friends know that any trip is enhanced by having a catchy name (such as the Wild Hair Tour to Ohio). When we went to Houston the first time, four years ago, it was the Houston Hoo-Doo Tour...thereby this visit became the "Houston Hoo-Doo REdeux Tour"!
The original mid-morning flight straight to Houston got rescheduled as an early morning flight to Dallas, a 4-hour layover, and then into Houston at the same time.
We booked the tickets a long time ago to avoid higher fuel charges (check) and did it before the baggage fees went into effect (also check), so I guess the bottom line is you end up paying one way or another!
I hear there are 14 Starbucks in the Dallas airport.
Our plan is to find some place comfy and have a looooong brunch.
Ye Olde Laptop is accompanying me, so I hope to send you some pictures each evening and news from the show.
Cherry-Cherry and I will be working in the Hobbs Batting booth (# 328 & 429) as a new adventure in quilt show attending, and we have several lectures scheduled.
So watch for a report late tomorrow about the Preview...the show opens early to those who are registered for events!
And don't forget...leave me a comment to get in the drawing for the Wild Roses wall hanging!
See the
Oct. 6 post for me celebrate the first anniversary of Patchwork Pie and the 100th post!


  1. Have a wonderful time in Houston, Sunnie & Cherry-Cherry! Look forward to your blogging -- hope you have the energy to do that at the end of the day. patt

  2. Happy blog-i-versary! I am so proud of you for all the effort you've made this year to learn about the online world.


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