
Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Paducah 2014: AQS Show and more...

The Acquisitions Dept.
Returning from the big American Quilters Society show in Paducah KY leads to a constant question: What did you buy? So there it is...minus the 5 books from the "hurt book sale" in the Finkel Building! 

The colorful fabric on top is from the Bryerpatch,  soon to be the former studio home of Carol Bryer Fallert-Gentry. She's moving to Port Townsend WA, and the place has been sold to a new quilt  business. It was a pleasure to view Carol's home and special exhibit quilts...and we even met her new husband in the kitchen!

The chicken, moon and tree are embroideries from Tamboni. Please visit the website to learn all about this wonderful mission that not only helps women earn a living but also keeps alive their traditional stories.

The rest is batiks, Cherrywood, and silk fabric gathered from a variety of booths...and, of course, Hancock's of Paducah itself. Shopping in their fabled back room is a must-do when in Quilt City USA. Were the crowds smaller, or was our timing just better this year?

Also missing from the picture are the skeins of lovely perle cotton from Artfabrik. Those are already in my embroidery kit, to be worked into the denim jacket you haven't seen yet! Here's Laura's booth (she's on the left):
Artfabrik = colorful fun!
On NPR the other day I heard about a study concerning money and happiness. They were trying to find out what makes you happier: buying "things"  or buying "experiences".
No surprize that "experiences" made for a longer lasting good feeling, as the thrill of acquiring an item seems to wear off about the time you get it home. Spending money for a meal with friends or taking a vacation provides lasting memories that are enjoyed over and over. And you can increase that pleasure with buying a trip ahead of time to experience the anticipation!
I think I got the most from my dollars, not so much from the great stuff I bought, but from spending seven days with two wonderful friends. The memories really are priceless...and I am looking forward to doing it again next year!

The PIE may be gone, but the memories live on!